January 13, 2012

Edmonton Interior Decorator | Decor Trend | Coral Craze

Well, I don't know if it's because I've got holidays on the brain, but I'm really growing fond of coral accessories. I've always loved the colour, but now I'm starting to appreciate it as home decor items. Are you into the coral craze as well?

Please forgive my absence over the next couple of weeks, but I'm off to gorgeous Cuba to take in the turquoise waters and tangerine sunsets of Varadero. I hope to come back with great ideas that I can use for my design clients here in Edmonton.

January 11, 2012

January 7, 2012

Edmonton Interior Decorator | Online Contest | E-Design

TGIF! Today feels like a great day for a give-away!
*Cue the Oprah-rific frenzy*

1. The Prize - An interior design e-consultation by Rachellabelle Interiors. The winner will get to submit a photo (or photos) of a room that is screaming for professional help. A custom moodboard will be e-mailed to the lucky winner. (Typically valued at $399.)

2. How to enter - Follow these two simple steps.  a) Leave a comment on this entry. b) Then, "like" Rachellabelle Interiors on Facebook or follow on Twitter. (Anonymous comments must be accompanied by an e-mail address.)

3. Rules - Contest is open until Monday, January 16th (at 12:01 am). Only one entry person please. Winner will be selected at random. Contest is open to readers world-wide. Prize is transferable. (No cash value. Prize must be claimed before December 31, 2012.)

And as the French say, "Bonne Chance!"
Winner will be announced February 1st
 Contest Canada  Contest Beat  Contest Girl

January 2, 2012

Edmonton Interior Decorator | Most Asked Question

Well, hello there, 2012. So nice to see you. Please be a nice year, and don't go ending the world on us, ok? I've got lots of pretty things to buy and homes to decorate. Not to mention, daily doses of eye candy, and free advice for my dedicated readers.

Now, seeing as this is my first post of the new year, I thought I would start with the the number one question I get asked about decorating: "What do I do if I have no budget?"

I guess if you watch shows like Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or Million Dollar Decorators, you might be led to believe that you need a six figure budget before you can consider changing things up in your home.

Absolutely untrue. There are three easy, and nearly free things you can do to dramatically transform your home.

1. Declutter. Be ruthless about it too! Clear off any flat surfaces. Remove excessive knicknacks. Only keep what is useful and visually appealing.

2. Rearrange your furniture. Does the room flow or is your living room like a corn maze? Reposition pieces until room feels more spacious. Remove extra furniture if necessary.

3. Paint. Think of the impact colour has when you paint your nails or put on a coat of lipstick. It's instantly uplifting! The same goes for your home. You don't have to stop with your walls, doors and trim either. If you're brave, you can consider painting your furniture, cabinets and even your floors. But, not if they have carpet...ha ha ha

And to debunk the #1 Myth about decorating -- it doesn't have to be expensive. I can customize a design package that will suit any budget.